I'd love to compare them to an actual game pad's performance side-by-side for you guys-I do have a couple of old SNES game pads lying around-but they're so well used that the buttons are mushy and feel completely different from this crisp, new clone from Buffalo. Unlike all other clones I've ever used, this one feels very similar to a real SNES game pad. I recently purchased one of these game pads by Buffalo, and I use it very frequently for PC gaming. The best option is always to use a real SNES pad, but those seem to be becoming increasingly expensive as supply decreases. It comes in black (bsgp80bk), white (bsgp80wh), and Gray / Super Famicom (bsgp80gy). The BSGP801 series game pad is like a clone of an original SNES controller, but with added turbo settings. I've looked at the various topics on recommending the best USB SNES controllers, but I haven't seen anyone recommend the the BSGP801 series 'Retro-style 8 Button USB Gamepad' from Buffalo Japan.
Hey all, I just stumbled upon this Reddit and thought I could contribute.